How to Continue Team Building Virtually
If you’re feeling overwhelmed working from home every day and from a lack of social life, you’re not alone. There are countless articles and studies written about how isolation affects our mental health. Like many living creatures, humans crave connection. While you may not be able to connect in the ways you’re used to, there are still plenty of things you can do to make connections in a virtual world. Check out these tips to continue team building, whether you’re a manager or a member of the team.
How to Track Your Marketing Efforts
If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound? It’s an age-old philosophical question that equates to your marketing efforts in a way you may not have imagined. If a marketing campaign goes out to the world and you didn’t track it, does it make an impact? Maybe, but you’d never know it. That’s the importance of tracking your marketing efforts. If you aren’t sure where to start with analytics and tracking, check out the tips below, depending on the type of campaign you’re sending into the world.
Your Guide to Choosing the Right Printed Products
Picture this: you have a great idea, but you aren’t sure how to get the word out. Have no fear! There are plenty of ways to get your message into the world. Specifically, we’re talking about printing up your dream marketing materials. Check out the printed products below and the benefits of choosing each for your next marketing campaign. Why stop at one? Marry multiple materials together for a comprehensive plan. Let’s get started with each product and its benefits.
7 Marketing Tactics Proven to Be More than Just Luck
You may see other businesses’ marketing campaigns and feel like they got lucky with a great idea. It’s easy to let your mind wander to “if only we had thought of that!” The reality is, there’s much more than luck that goes into a successful marketing campaign. Marketers everywhere are using tactics that have been developed and tested over time.
The secret’s out, because you can, too! Since seven is a lucky number, check out these seven tried and true marketing strategies that will help your business grow—no ifs, ands, or luck about it.
Encourage Your Customers to Support Small Businesses
It’s no secret that many small and local companies have struggled to stay in business this past year due to unforeseen challenges and the global pandemic. Many businesses have needed to shut their doors partially, if not permanently, during these unprecedented times.
However, many companies have continued to thrive due to smart marketing tactics and the backing of loyal customers, even if they weren’t performing all services or operating at full capacity. Whether you’re a business owner or a patron looking to support local, check out these ways you can support small businesses and make a difference in your community.
Helpful Tips to Becoming a Valued Leader
Leaders aren’t one size fits all. There are silent leaders who set the best example by what they do. There are leaders who are highly visible and vocal within businesses and organizations. There are leaders who don’t even manage a team. The list goes on and on. No matter your leadership style, there are some common characteristics associated with the most highly valued and effective leaders.
Whether you’re running a team or looking to hold a leadership position in the future, check out these tips to becoming a valued leader and work toward them daily.
When Marketing Worlds Collide: Bridging Offline and Online Efforts
Marketing for businesses is often a game of old world vs. new world. But instead of pitting the two against each other, it’s time to reframe your thinking. Who says two proven marketing methods can’t coexist to form a super strategy?
We’re proposing a world where your printed brochures and your social media posts can live in harmony. Let’s explore how you can best leverage your offline marketing materials to support your online marketing efforts, and vice versa.
How to Make Your Brand Relatable to Different Generations
Recently, a bride and a groom performed what they deemed a ‘dance across generations’ at their wedding for the first dance, including popular dances from the 1940s to today. The various dances based on the decades were meant to appeal to each generation of wedding guests in attendance. The dance was a hit and showed the couples’ awareness that a dance to modern music might not appeal to their grandparents’ generation. There’s a simple lesson to be learned here—various generations have different values and interests.
The recent Super Bowl halftime show is another prime example of the need to understand your audience. Many people who have an interest in pop music loved the performance by The Weeknd. Those who don’t keep up with pop culture were left wondering why the backup dancers were wearing bandages on their faces. Whether you loved or hated it, this was a great reminder that different audiences and generations respond to content differently.
Show Love for Customers and Employees with These 7 Swag Items
February is often seen as a month of love. After all, Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. In the marketing world, it’s not about whether you’re taken, in a relationship or in the words of Facebook… “it’s complicated.”
Instead, take time in February to show some other wonderful people in your life how much they mean to you. Use this month to show your customers and your employees how much they mean to you, all while getting your name out there. Check out seven pieces of swag to gift your team members and customers that they will absolutely adore!
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