Summer Marketing Ideas to Boost Business
Sunshine and summertime are on the horizon. After a long, long quarantine, many events are coming back, businesses are reopening and gatherings are back on. With the changing season comes new opportunities to get your name out into the world and attract new customers. As the temperatures heat up, so can your marketing efforts. You need something bold and innovative that you’ve never tried before to boost business! Check out these ideas to take advantage of summertime to market your business to new customers and stay top of mind in the community.
5 Signs It’s Time to Update Your Marketing Plan
Spring may be coming to an end but it’s never too late for a little spring cleaning—especially when it comes to your marketing plan. By this time in the year, many of us have let our resolutions fly out the window or even forgotten to follow up on some of our goals. Life is busy, so we get it! Use this as a time to check in on your marketing plan and goals. If any of the situations below sound like your current marketing efforts, it’s time to get to updating!
Email Marketing Hacks for Your Small Business
Small business marketers are scrappy in the best way. That’s because one minute they’re the chief marketer, and the next they’re putting out another metaphorical fire. Small business team members wear so many hats that they need to be experts at a variety of tasks and jobs, including marketing.
According to the website Small Business Trends, 54 percent of small business owners polled in one study said that email marketing was their most important marketing tool to help increase sales. That’s why it’s necessary to embrace the digital artform that is email marketing. Check out the tips below to ensure you’re getting the most from your email marketing efforts.
Marketing Misses for Your Business to Avoid
We’ve all been there—you worked so hard on a marketing campaign, and it flopped. It’s okay that you took a swing and missed. A sure thing that suddenly turned into a not-so-sure-thing. They say that it’s not a failure—it’s a learning experience. Relax, we’ve all been there! Luckily, there are a few common mistakes that are easy to spot and even easier to avoid once you’ve done them. Take it from us and use these tips to steer clear of marketing mistakes. It’s time to put your business’s best foot forward.
How to Prep for Memorial Day Sales
Memorial Day sales aren’t just for car dealerships and furniture stores. Even small businesses can get in on the action. Whether you’re looking to offer a sale during Memorial Day weekend or your business is closed for the holiday and you’re still looking to get in on the action, there are plenty of ways for your company to get involved. Check out a few ways to promote deals and steals during one of the biggest advertised sales days of the year.
5 Creative Branding Ideas for Your Business
Your branding says a lot about your business. We’re talking about your logo, font options and other graphic elements that are used consistently to identify your business. Branding is so important for a business that you probably don’t even think about where or how you’re using it.
Your website? Check. Email newsletters? You bet. What about other places that you might not have considered? It’s time to get creative with where and how you’re marketing to your current and potential customers! Check out these five creative branding ideas that you probably haven’t considered, but definitely should.
Spring Cleaning Ideas for Your Marketing Plan
Spring has sprung and you know what that means—spring cleaning! While it’s the perfect time to clean out your closet and wipe down all surfaces (as if you haven’t been doing THAT all year), it’s also the perfect time to spring clean other aspects of your life, like your marketing plan! Hear us out, we promise it’ll make sense.
Use this spring as a reminder that the season of renewal is upon us and you can ensure your marketing efforts are up to par. Check out ways that you can get some spring cleaning out of the way when it comes to your marketing efforts!
How to Be Eco-Friendly with Your Marketing Efforts
Most of the time, as marketers, we’re thinking about how to get more people in our doors both physically and virtually. However, there comes a time when we should pause to consider other factors at play with our marketing efforts, like how to be environmentally conscious while still trying to tackle the business landscape. In honor of Earth Day on April 22nd, take this opportunity to reevaluate your marketing campaigns and practices to ensure you’re doing the best you can to go green with your campaigns. Below, check out ways you can consider the environment with your printing jobs!
How to Use “Influencers” to Promote Your Business
It’s a tale as old as time, yet with a new generational spin. At the core of marketing is the idea that you need to get your message or product in front of as many people as possible who are considered qualified potential buyers. With each generation comes a new idea or a new way of doing business. However, the core principles remain the same.
While you’ve probably heard the buzzword “influencer marketing,” you may not yet fully grasp what that means. Have no fear! Let’s dive deep into the world of influencers and see if this marketing tactic might be right for your business by answering all of your influencer questions.
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